Libraries of branches
It's possible to create an independent library for each division. They can construct their own processes within it.
High performance
Exceptional performance and rapid response, even in big user organizations, employees can have relaxing experience.
Complex report line
With 20+ years in BPM, the structure is optimized to meet large groups' approval needs in complex reporting environments.
Multiple positions

Support that an employee can hold multiple positions. The processes initiated from different positions will be routed to the correct supervisors and department leaders.

Multi-reporting lines

Support multiple reporting lines, such as administrative reporting lines and business reporting lines. Tom reports to John administratively and to David business-wise.

Position-based relationship

The reporting relationships are based on positions rather than accounts. For example, Tom reports to John in the Finance Department and to David in the Marketing Department.

Roles in department

Support roles within the department. Thus, when modeling the global processes of the group, the approver specified as the initiator's superior role will be sent to the correct participant.

Position-based handler

For each task of the process instance, the participant records his position instead of just the account. This can avoid reporting to the wrong leader in the following activities.

Position of the initiator

When starting a process instance, the position of the initiator can be specified, so that the request can be sent to the right supervisor and department leaders for approval.

Simplify administrative approval
The administrative decision approval of the group is usually complex. BPMN2 discover an ideal modeling way for the first time.
International office work
Branch self-service
Branch companies can have their admins for process instance maintenance, thus enhancing the business processing efficiency.
Scale service nodes during runtime
FlowPortal based on the latest technical architecture of .NET 8, supports docker deployment and dynamic capacity expansion.
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